Democratic Republic of Congo

Launched: 2016
Leaders: Ruboneka Herbo
Tel: +243 971536516
On the move!
Our partnering in the DRC began in late 2016. Leaders were trained who then begun models of ministry in Goma and have then multiplied teams and trained and empowered other leaders in the following areas of the country:
Minova City
Masisi Village
Sake City
Kalehe Village
Kabare Village
Kiwanja North
Ngweshe Village
South Kivu
These teams have engaged with many people of different ages in communities using soccer and general sports festivals, sports crusades, tournaments and by starting soccer teams that play competitively against other local teams. Many have been reached with a considerable number choosing to follow Jesus.
The work also partners with New Hope Bethesda church in Goma to support an orphanage which currently cares for 53 children. (33 orphans and 20 street children)
New churches have also been started because of this work and there is a growing hunger for many to now use sport as a ministry tool to help reach and serve people.
As the DRC team seek to go deeper in its discipling of reached people and the training of leaders and other trainers to scale the work further into new parts of the nation, they are in need of sports equipment and printed copies of God's Word. Please pray for the provision of 'Balls and Bibles.'
Could you help?
Your praying, your giving or your serving or all three will help change lives.
Contact us if the DRC is on your heart.

Grant Sheppard, 24/04/2020