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Launched: 2021
Leader: Ruel Penzola
Tel: +63 917 5656870
Email: ruelsr57@gmail.com


A relevant ministry for a time such as this

2021 has been a challenging year to launch this new ministry due to ongoing severe Covid restrictions in the Philippines; however a core team of believers with a passion to equip churches and engage communities through sports mission has been formed and have been praying and preparing for when the time comes. 

That time has now arrived!

The ministry has now begun in the form of street fitness and the training of churches to join in with and begin their own sports ministry. The core team are now preparing to model more localised ministry and launch more Community Sports Teams in different parts of the country.

A passion is developing to impact all people groups with God's love and to help tackle a growing mental heath crises, particularly on the back of extended lockdowns. 

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Could you help?

Your praying, your giving or your serving or all three will help change lives. 
Contact us if the Philippines is on your heart.